Core Disaster Life Support Training (CDLS)

Disasters affect hundreds of thousands of people every year.  The importance of training to respond appropriately to such events cannot be overemphasized.

The CDLS course lays the foundation for individuals from diverse professions, disciplines, and backgrounds to come together as a team to enhance personal and community preparedness and resilience for catastrophic health emergencies.  It provides a framework for public health, emergency medical services, and other response personnel to work as partners in local preparedness and response efforts

The CDLS course is a competency-based, awareness-level course aimed at a broad range of audiences.  It provides the common vocabulary and working knowledge necessary to help ensure that all potential health system responders understand their role and how it is integrated with other segments of the disaster response system.  The CDLS course teaches the “all-hazards” approach to personal, institutional, and community disaster management.

Course Schedule

There are no upcoming courses at this time – please check back often, as our class schedules are updated regularly.

Upon completion of the CDLS course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the all-hazards approach to disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery
  • Discuss essential components of federal , state, regional, and community disaster health systems, including the role of the public and private health sectors
  • Describe the elements of the PRE-DISASTER Paradigm and their application to the management of disasters and public health emergencies
  • Describe actions that can be taken to enhance personal preparedness and resilience for disasters and public health emergencies
  • Identify legal and ethical issues that impact disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, including the basic legal framework for public health
  • Describe the elements of the DISASTER Paradigm and their application for the management of disasters and public health emergencies